
Non Advice

The information provided on this website and through official LiveBitcoinCharts social channels is general in nature and does not constitute financial advice or investment advice. LiveBitcoinCharts does not recommend the purchase, sale or holding of any cryptocurrency. We recommend that you consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The appearance of any cryptocurrencies, news articles, advertisements and/or links does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by LiveBitcoinCharts.


Accuracy of Information

The information on this website is provided as is. Some information may change without notice. While we endeavour to maintain the accuracy of information, we do not guarantee full completeness, reliability, availability, updatedness or accuracy of information, including information provided via third parties. LiveBitcoinCharts does not accept liability for any resulting loss or damage suffered by the user through the use of this website. You understand that the use of the information on this website is at your own risk.


A Warning About Scammers

The cryptocurrency industry is still a relatively new space, and as such, it has attracted ‘bad actors’ and ‘scammers’ taking advantage of market participants and users. It is common for these scammers to create alternative websites, applications, social media accounts, as well as sending emails and making online posts to deceive users by acting as an official channel.

LiveBitcoinCharts will NEVER offer cryptocurrencies as a prize. We will never ask for a small amount of cryptocurrency in exchange for a larger amount. Nor will we offer free giveaways of cryptocurrencies.

Beware of such offers and do not act upon them. If you see a website, social media account or other channel using the LiveBitcoinCharts name, but acting suspiciously, please report it to us at feedback@livebitcoincharts.com.


Last Updated:  4 October 2019